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Restoring the Image of God

All persons are made in the Image of God. When we abuse our sisters and brothers in Christ, we deface the image of God in the other person. The face of an individual is equivalent to the person: prosopon (Greek) and persona (Latin). 


Prosopon Healing has come into existence to bring the healing of Christ to those who have been abused by "clergy" (priests, deacons, as well as staff members and volunteers) within the Orthodox church community. Because such abuse causes a rupture within the community, healing must also take place within the relational aspect of a community. Research shows that healing is quicker and healthier in communities that acknowledge the abuse and wrongdoing. This requires education for all laity. 


Please note that at this time, this is not intended to be an expose site.  Prosopon Healing provides healing resources for those who are being abused or have been abused by clergy.  

Russian Church

Defining "Clergy"Abuse

Clergy abuse occurs in all religious contexts, including within our Orthodox churches. Clergy abuse can be spiritual abuse, physical abuse, or sexual contact between a priest, bishop or deacon and parishioner/counselee. There is no consent involving unequal power, and clergy are always in a position of greater power over laity since they administer the sacraments of the church.


When caught, a clergy may refer to their abuse as a “relationship” or an “affair” or may even provide this language to the person that they have victimized. This is often part of the mechanism of clergy abuse of adults. An affair is between two consenting adults of equal power. There can never be true consent involving a parishioner and a member of the clergy, therefore, clergy abuse is never an affair or "consensual".


Often, there is a period where the clergy has selected, tested, and groomed the victim. Clergy abuse is never the victim’s fault. 


Clergy abuse is currently a criminal offense in 13 states and the District of Columbia (with more states adding legislation) and this means that clergy cannot use the defense that their abuse was in fact "consensual".   


False accusations are extremely rare. Most people coming forward with allegations of clergy sexual abuse are telling the truth and immediate care for the victim is needed. 

Reporting Clergy Abuse

The unequal power between a clergy and a parishioner means there can be "no consent". Therefore, any unwanted sexualized touch in this circumstance is sexual assault. The first call should be to law enforcement. 


It is strongly recommended that a survivor seek legal counsel before reporting to church administration.  




Clergy abuse is a defacement of God's image.  Survivors often experience a double injury from the community where the abuse occurred.  This double abuse, which may include shame, blame, and aligning with an offender, may cause more injury than the original abuse.  In some cases, especially for adults, the abuse may continue for years.  The injury caused by clergy abuse is profound.  Looking at research, there are therapeutic modalities that may be more effective than others and some approaches that may in fact be harmful for a survivor and exacerbate the injury. â€‹â€‹

The meaning of Priesthood

Clergy abuse is predatory behavior by those who masquerade as priests. The Office of the Holy Priesthood has high standards. ​


Cross Pendant


Books on the dynamics of clergy abuse and healing from clergy and church abuse. 

Online Resources

Useful links to favorite podcasts and websites related to clergy-perpetrated sexual abuse and spiritual abuse. 



© Prosopon Healing 2024

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